Potential Functions as Superposition of Scoring Functions (PF)#


The general concept of the PF metric is to define a potential function for each static or dynamic object considered by the metric [Wolf2018]. This includes potentials for lane markings, the road geometry, other vehicles, or, in more urban areas, pedestrians and bicyclists. Once a potential function for each object in the scene, denoted by \(U_i(A, S)\), is chosen, one can apply e.g. gradient descent for a given scene \(S\) to the combined potential function \(U(A, S) = U_1(A, S) + \dots + U_k(A, S)\), where \(A\) is an actor and \(k\) denotes the number of objects. A simple example of how to evaluate this metric for an actor \(A_1\) and a given scene \(S'\) is by inserting the values into \(U\), i.e.

\[\mathit{PF}(A_1, S') = U(A_1, S') = U_1(A_1, S') + \dots + U_k(A_1, S') \,.\]

However, methods involving the mentioned gradient descent to assess the criticality can improve precision and also provide a suggestion for criticality-reducing vehicle movement.

Due to the way this metric is defined, almost all properties depend on the specified potential functions. Furthermore, while ethical questions play a role when defining any safety surrogate, it becomes more evident for potential functions, as an active decision making in the definition of the potentials is required.


Run-time capability#


Target values#

None found, also highly dependent on the used potential functions

Subject type#

Any, but requires a potential function for each considered subject type

Scenario type#

Depends on specified potential functions


Potential function for each static/dynamic object in the scene that is supposed to be considered, other inputs depend entirely on said potential functions

Output scale#

\([-\infty, \infty]\), number (negative values are possible if goal locations are defined), ratio scale


Largely depends on the used potential functions


Largely depends on the used potential functions; no empirical analysis identified


Largely depends on the used potential functions


Largely depends on the used potential functions

Prediction model#

Time window#

Depends on quality of potential functions and reliability of computation of the solution to the potential equation problem

Time mode#

Branching time